Entertainment is a type of action that keeps an audience’s attention and interest while also providing pleasure and delight. It could be a task or an idea. But it’s more likely to be one of the activities or events. That has evolved over thousands of years expressly. To maintain an audience’s attention.
Although different items hold people’s attention due to unique preferences. Most forms of entertainment are recognized and also recognizable. Storytelling, music, theatre, dance, and other forms of performance may be found in many civilizations. They were encourage in royal courts. Then evolved into complex forms, and eventually were accessible to all residents. In recent times, an entertainment industry that records and distributes entertainment items hasten the process.
Although many entertainments have a serious purpose. The sensation of being entertaining is strongly associate with amusement. To the point where one popular understanding of the concept is fun and laughter. For example, this could be the case in many sorts of ceremonies, celebrations, religious festivals, or satire. As a result, what appears to be amusement could actually be a means of gaining insight or intellectual advancement.